Leading Project for Biosimulation > Cell/Biodynamics Simulation > simBio

Release Packages

Release Packages

The simBio project have seven different release packages. These are listed below.

simBio binary release package

Released as simBio-*.bin.zip.


Used on the client PC to execute models in simBio, stand-alone or by using JavaSpaces.


  1. The folder bin, containing the DOS batch file httpd.bat and the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script httpd.sh.
  2. The folder docs, containing the English generated simBio site together with the English API documentation for the JAR-files below.
  3. The folder lib, containing:
    1. The files simBio-*.jar, simBio_JavaSpaces-*.jar, simBio_JavaSpacesClient-*.jar, RemoteClient-*.jar and their used class libraries.
    2. The source files for the JAR-files above.
    3. The file log4j.xml.
  4. The folder src/xml, containing XML-files from the simBio project.
  5. The file remoteNode.xml.sample used by the RemoteClient.
  6. The file build_httpd.xml used to start the httpd class server.
  7. The Java security permission file (policy.all).
  8. The Readme-, ReleaseNote- and License-text files.


To install the package follow the instruction Get simBio. To use the package as an Eclipse project, then instead follow the instruction Settings for using source packages.

simBio source release package

Released as simBio-*.src.zip.


Use this to get the source code for simBio, when you cannot connect to the CVS from Eclipse.


The source of the following Eclipse projects (Each project saved in a separate folder):

  1. simBio
  2. JavaSpaces
  3. JavaSpacesClient
  4. RemoteClient
  5. docs_ja


Follow the instruction Settings for using source packages to create new Eclipse projects from the package.

simBio JavaSpaces server binary release package

Released as simBio_server-*.bin.zip.


Used to install the simBio JavaSpaces server.


  1. The DOS batch file startJavaSpaces.bat and the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script startJavaSpaces.sh.
  2. The configuration files.
  3. The Java security permission file (policy.all).


See Install simBio_JavaSpaces servers on how to install this package.

simBio JavaSpaces worker binary release package

Released as simBio_worker-*.bin.zip.


Used to install the simBio JavaSpaces worker.


  1. The DOS batch file startWorker.bat and the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script startWorker.sh.
  2. The DOS batch file stopWorker.bat and the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script stopWorker.sh.
  3. The DOS batch file commandServer.bat and the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script commandServer.sh.
  4. The configuration files.
  5. The Java security permission file (policy.all).
  6. The folder lib, containing the file simBio_JavaSpaces-*.jar, RemoteClient-*.jar and their used class libraries.


See Install simBio_JavaSpaces workers on how to install this package.

simBio Eclipse plug-in binary release package

Released as simBio.Eclipse.Plug-in-*.bin.zip.


Used to install the simBio Eclipse plug-in, when you cannot connect to the update site from Eclipse.


  1. The folder features\org.simBio.feature_*
  2. The folder plugins\org.simBio.eclipse_*


See Install from zip pack on how to install this package.

simBio Eclipse plug-in source release package

Released as simBio.Eclipse.Plug-in-*.src.zip.


Used to get the source code for simBio Eclipse plug-in, when you cannot connect to the CVS from Eclipse.


The source of the following Eclipse projects (Each project saved in a separate folder):

  1. org.simBio.eclipse
  2. org.simBio.feature
  3. org.simBio.UpdateSite


Follow the instruction Settings for using source packages to create new Eclipse projects from the package.

Japanese documentation release package

Released as simBio-*-docs_ja.zip.


Collect all documentation in Japanese in one place.


  1. The Japanese generated simBio site.
  2. The Japanese API documentation for the simBio project.


Extract the files and use a web browser to read the contents.