Settings simBio_JavaSpacesClient
Software settings for simBio_JavaSpacesClient.
Configure ServiceURL and Codebase
When running protocol XML-files on simBio_JavaSpaces the file needs some additional tags. These are the ServiceURL and Codebase tags. You need to change the ServiceURL and Codebase so it fits your system. The tag service URL is the simBio_JavaSpaces servers IP number and the tag codebase/URLset URL is the base URL path for the code, which start with the clients IP number followed by the port number. The codebase for simBio_JavaSpacesClient's JAR Archive are required.
Below shows an example of ServiceURL and Codebase for a protocol XML-file with the servers IP number and the client IP number using port 8083.
<service URL="jini://" /> <codebase> <URLset URL="" /> </codebase>
Settings http server
After following the instruction, Getting simBio_JavaSpaces and simBio_JavaSpacesClient, some editing of the DOS batch file httpd.bat or the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script, depending on which operating systems the http server are running on, may be needed. The files are found in the bin folder of the simBio_JavaSpacesClient project.
The following script shows an example of the DOS batch file httpd.bat, where -jar "../lib/tools.jar" is the file path for one of Jinis Java class libraries and the relative path -dir "../../" will together with the path for Codebase, see Change the ServiceURL and Codebase so it fits your system, give the absolute path for the code to the simBio_JavaSpaces workers.
@ECHO OFF REM REM start class server REM this script is assumed to be located at project\bin REM start "httpd class server" java -jar "../lib/tools.jar" -port 8083 -dir "../../" -trees -verbose
Settings RemoteClient
After following the instruction, Getting RemoteClient, a remote node file, remoteNode.xml, is needed to get the RemoteClient to find the simBio_JavaSpaces workers.
To make it easier a sample file has been created, remoteNode.xml.sample, which may be use to create the remoteNode.xml file.
Below is an example of a remoteNode.xml file.
<worker> <!-- Windows Worker 1 --> <!-- element, Sodium --> <address></address> <!-- element, Magnesium --> <address></address> <!-- element, Alminium --> <address></address> <!-- element, Silicon --> <address></address> <!-- element, Phosphorus --> <address></address> </worker>
Settings simBio_JavaSpaces
Software settings for simBio_JavaSpaces servers and workers.
Settings simBio_JavaSpaces servers
Settings batch file/Shell Script for simBio_JavaSpaces servers
After following the installation instruction, Install simBio_JavaSpaces servers, some editing of the DOS batch file startJavaSpaces.bat or the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script, depending on which operating systems the simBio_JavaSpaces servers are running on, may be needed. Verify that the environment variable JINI_HOME is correct.
Settings simBio_JavaSpaces workers
Settings batch file/Shell Script for simBio_JavaSpaces workers
After following the installation instruction, Install simBio_JavaSpaces workers, some editing of the DOS batch files startWorker.bat and stopWorker.bat or the UNIX/LINUX Shell Scripts and, depending on which operating systems the simBio_JavaSpaces workers are running on, may be needed. Verify that the environment variable SIMBIO_HOME is correct for both files. Also check that the environment variable WORKER_THREAD in startWorker is as desired.
Settings simBioServer properties files
To get the workers to find the simBio_JavaSpaces server, a simBioServer properties file is needed. This is however not true if only one server are installed on the network, then the workers will find it without a simBioServer properties file. It is however recommended to have a simBioServer properties file. This file was created during the installation instruction, Install simBio_JavaSpaces workers at the file path SIMBIO_HOME/conf/. Correct the simBioServer properties files to point out the servers IP number.
Shown below is an example of a file with the servers IP number