Leading Project for Biosimulation > Cell/Biodynamics Simulation > simBio

Feature Request ID FR-4: Create a release packager project


Define and declare the release packages for simBio 1.0 and simBio Eclipse plug-in 1.0 and the purpose of each package. Update build files concerning release files, site and API documentation, etc.


  1. First define all release packages and write a document about the contents and purpose for each release package.
  2. Make a build file that can be used to create all simBio's release packages.

System Design

  1. First document the contents of the release packages here, Release Packages. This document will be used as a reference when the release packages are created.
  2. The versions for all release packages will be 1.0 and have the name according to the document above.
  3. The aim for each release package is to reach the purpose of the release packages according to the document above.
  4. A new project named packager will be created containing a build file. This build file will, in most cases, use the build files for each project as a source to create the distribution packages, with some post-modification of file names. But in some case the building will all be done in the build file in the packager project.
  5. Seven distribution files will be released. These are:
    1. simBio binary release package: The release build file will use the build file located in the JavaSpacesClient project and the build file, build_forrest.xml, (for the English site) located in the simBio project. The English API documentation will be done in the release build file with the target name api_en.
    2. simBio source release package: The distribution package will be done by the build file located in the packager project.
    3. simBio JavaSpaces server binary release package: The release build file will use the build file located in the RemoteClient project. The distribution package needs to be renamed.
    4. simBio JavaSpaces worker binary release package: The release build file will use the build file located in the RemoteClient project. The distribution package needs to be renamed.
    5. simBio Eclipse plug-in binary release package: The building will be done semi-automatic by the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) and not as a part of the release build file. The Ant build file will be created by right clicking on the file /org.simBio.feature/feature.xml and select [PDE Tools] -> [Create Ant Build File]. After that is done, right click on the newly created file build.xml and select [Run As] -> [Ant build...]. Finally check zip.distribution and select Run.
    6. simBio Eclipse plug-in source release package: The distribution package will be done by the build file located in the packager project.
    7. Japanese documentation release package: The release build file will use the build file located in the docs_ja project. The distribution package can remain as it is.


Test that the simBio binary release package works as supposed. First create an Eclipse project from the package and then execute models in simBio both by using stand-alone and distributed computation (JavaSpaces).

Test Result

All the specified tests have been run with successful result.

Committed Files

  1. The document about the contents and purpose for each release package has been committed to the simBio site and can be read here, Release Packages.
  2. The new project named packager have been committed to SourceForge.