Leading Project for Biosimulation > Cell/Biodynamics Simulation > simBio



Follow the guide, Quick Start, to get, install and setup the RemoteClient.

User Manual

Start RemoteClient

To start the RemoteClient follow these two steps:

  1. Open the folder src/main/java of the RemoteClient package in Eclipse and select the file org.simBio.tools.remote.RemoteGui.java.
  2. Then right click on the file and select [Run As] -> [Java Application].
Using Ant
It is also possible to right click on the file build_RemoteClient.xml in the RemoteClient project and select [Run As] -> [Ant Build], which will do the same thing.

After a short time a window with similar look as the figure below will appear.

Figure 1. The RemoteClient GUI.

Fundamental maneuver

  1. Commands are selected with the radio buttons in the window and is activated when the [execute] button is pushed.
  2. The time log of the execution is indicated in the log area of the window.

Command start


  1. Start the simBio_JavaSpaces workers.

Log message:

  1. When a worker succeeds in starting, this is indicated as "hostname" with maximum threads of "#", is starting in the log area.
  2. If a worker already has been started, this is indicated as "hostname" has already started in the log area.

Command shutdown


  1. Stop the simBio_JavaSpaces workers.

Log message:

  1. When a worker succeeds in stopping, this is indicated as stopping 1 worker named "hostname" in the log area.

Command reboot


  1. Restarts the simBio_JavaSpaces workers. This command has the same functionally as running the "shutdown" and "start" commands after each other.

Log message:

  1. First when a worker succeeds in stopping, this is indicated as stopping 1 worker named "hostname" in the log area.
  2. After that when a worker succeeds in starting, this is indicated as "hostname" with maximum threads of "#", is starting in the log area.
  3. If a worker already has been started, this is indicated as "hostname" has already started in the log area.

Command exit


  1. Exit the RemoteClient application.

Log message:

  1. No log message.