Leading Project for Biosimulation > Cell/Biodynamics Simulation > simBio

Installation JavaSpaces (simBio_JavaSpaces servers and workers)

Preparing the Operational Environment for simBio_JavaSpaces servers and workers.

Hardware Preparation

Because simBio is written in Java, it can be executed on several operating systems and simBio_JavaSpaces servers and workers can be used on different types of computers. See Hardware Preparation for more information on hardware requirement.

Software Installation

Software installation on simBio_JavaSpaces servers and workers.

Install Java

Install Java on both simBio_JavaSpaces servers and workers by following the instruction Java.

Install Jini

To set up the system (PC clusters) the next step is to install Jini on simBio_JavaSpaces servers.

Download and install Jini Starter Kit from Jini. Follow the installation process for your operating systems.

Installation folder
If you use Windows it is recommended to install Jini at C:\lib\

Install simBio_JavaSpaces servers

The next step to set up the system (PC clusters) is to install the package simBio_server-*.bin.zip on simBio_JavaSpaces servers.

There are two ways to get the package. The first is to download the release package by following the instruction Download, but to download the file simBio_server-*.bin.zip instead. The second way is to build the simBio_JavaSpaces distributed packages. This is done by right clicking on the file build.xml in the simBio_JavaSpaces project and select [Run As] -> [Ant Build]. After the build is finished, the distributed packages can be found in the folder target\dist\.

Installation folder
It is recommended to install the simBio_JavaSpaces servers in the same folder as Jini was installed.
Auto Startup
To start the simBio_JavaSpaces servers automatically when the computers are turned on, it is recommended to use the operating systems auto startup functionality for the DOS batch file startJavaSpaces.bat or the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script startJavaSpaces.sh depending on which operating systems the servers are running on.

Install simBio_JavaSpaces workers

The final step to set up the system (PC clusters) is to install the package simBio_worker-*.bin.zip on simBio_JavaSpaces workers.

There are two ways to get the package. The first is to download the release package by following the instruction Download, but to download the file simBio_worker-*.bin.zip instead. The second way depends on if the RemoteClient will be used or not. If the RemoteClient will be used then after following the instruction, Getting RemoteClient, build the distributed package by right clicking on the file build.xml in the RemoteClient project and select [Run As] -> [Ant Build]. After the build is finished, the distributed package can be found in the folder target\dist\. If the RemoteClient will not be used then can the instruction giving in Install simBio_JavaSpaces servers be followed in order to build the simBio_JavaSpaces distributed packages.

Installation folder
If you use Windows it is recommended to install the simBio_JavaSpaces workers at C:\lib\simBio\
Auto Startup
If the RemoteClient will be used it is recommended to use the operating systems auto startup functionality for the DOS batch file commandServer.bat or the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script commandServer.sh depending on which operating systems the CommandServers are running on, to start the CommandServers automatically when the computers are turned on.

If the RemoteClient is not used it is recommended to use the operating systems auto startup functionality for the DOS batch file startWorker.bat or the UNIX/LINUX Shell Script startWorker.sh depending on which operating systems the workers are running on, to start the simBio_JavaSpaces workers automatically when the computers are turned on.